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To be clear, $500 locks in your ownership of 1.79 Acres, if within 30 days you changed your mind, I'd still give you $300 back.
The other $200 went to processing (nulling contract, recording fees, returning funds, 8 re-listings that take time to re-upload and verification processes, consideration for time listings down, quick inspection ect).
If within, 60 days you changed your mind, I'd still give you $200 back, if within, 90 days I'd still give you $100 back! That is without making any payments too! At that time if you paid $100 that would extend you another 90 days of ownership (THATS half a year for $600 [500 deposit + 100 at 90 days] to OWN 1.79 ACRE's of hill and valley land in town) with zero impact on your credit if you changed your mind. This is so you can focus your immediate funds on establishing the land. You can also buy back that late time extention window of half a year if you plan on moving forward with our deal. I have explained details as much as I can and thought about this from your perspective as best as I can because its my best interest to make this deal ONCE.
Please only call or text if you are ready to make a deal.
Please note some of these shots, specifically the ones w the flat grassy area are mostly the neighbor yard to the north but help show the area

The process step by step